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Writing simple algorithms in LateX

Dec 19 0

Latex has several plugins that can be used to format your documents into scientific standards. The algorithm package brings well aligned and styled looking algorithms into any paper. the following example shows an algorithm tag for a recursive method. \begin{algorithm}[H] \SetAlgoLined \KwIn{$ $\Comment{model.ump}} \KwOut{$ $\Comment{model_{mutationOperator}.ump}} $filesToMutate.add(model)$\newline $searchForLinkedFiles(model)$ \newline \SetKwFunction{FMain}{searchForLinkedFiles} \SetKwProg{Fn}{Function}{:}{} \Fn{\FMain{$file$}}{ \eIf{\exists model \ni linkedFiles […]

Ottawa Parliament

Nov 02 0

A photography using wide-angle lens Tokina 11-16 while exploring the downtown area. This was processed for HDR result.

Modelling abstract tests in Umple

Nov 14 1

Testcase can be injected within the Umple/UML model code using the abstract testing syntax. a class with a state machine can also have test elements as part of the model. the following is an exmaple: This abstract test can be generated into any unit testing platform using the ‘test’ generator followed by a compilation with […]